The time has come for you to upgrade your flooring system, and you want to learn more about commercial or residential flake epoxy flooring. The truth is that our decorative flooring services offer you a chance to renovate your home or improve the efficiency of your business. Our decorative flake epoxy solutions are perfect for anyone who wants an industrial-grade flooring system that is also visually stunning. With a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures to choose from, you can customize your flake epoxy floor to suit your unique taste and design preferences. Plus, with its seamless and easy-to-clean surface, flake epoxy flooring is a practical choice for high-traffic areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and commercial spaces.
If you are ready to make the switch to an epoxy flooring system, then go ahead and give us a call today! One of our professional epoxy flooring contractors will tell you what to expect.
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    Decorative flake epoxy is a more durable type of flooring system that will revitalize any interior setting in which you choose to install it. We perform the installation for a variety of clients, including homeowners as well as business proprietors and manufacturers. Decorative flake epoxy also offers many design options, which allows you to achieve greater customization.
    From modern and sleek to rustic and traditional, the design options are virtually limitless, allowing you to create a customized flooring solution that perfectly complements your decor.
    Decorative Flake Madison

    Decorative Epoxy Flooring

    What Is It?
    When we mention decorative flake epoxy to one of our clients, they often don’t know what it is. Flake flooring is a type of epoxy coating that does a good job covering up defects in your concrete flooring while also providing greater durability and protection. The mixture also comes in a multitude of different color schemes and designs to give you more control when it comes to customizing its appearance.
    When should you use flake epoxy? Flake epoxy is an ideal flooring option for many different commercial and residential settings. You can easily install a decorative epoxy flooring system in factories, warehouses, or other areas that experience a lot of foot and vehicle traffic. You can also install flake epoxy flooring in your garage or the basement of your home. You certainly have a lot of different options.
    We often recommend flake epoxy flooring for interiors that can use a boost in terms of the presentation of the setting. Old and deteriorated concrete is visually unattractive, but an epoxy floor coating will give it an upgraded appearance. The material is also resistant to stains and chemicals, which means that it will retain its original luster for years to come.
    How much is it going to cost to install decorative flake epoxy flooring? The answer to this question depends on where you plan to install it and how you plan on using it. The current condition of your concrete flooring will also factor into your installation cost. When you speak with one of our representatives, they will need to know if there are cracks, stains or bumps in your concrete. This way they can get a better idea of what the cost will be.
    Generally, the cost of installing decorative flake epoxy flooring can vary based on factors such as the size of the area, the complexity of the installation process, and any additional preparation work required.
    How do you apply flake epoxy? Every installation is a multi-step process that involves a lot of preparation and planning. We will need to repair any damage or defects in your concrete flooring before we begin to produce the flake epoxy mixture. We will also need to apply a sealer to your concrete flooring so that the epoxy will properly adhere to it. After we apply several coatings of decorative flake epoxy, we will then apply a top coat of clear, polyurethane paint to achieve greater durability and protection.
    The application of flake epoxy flooring requires meticulous attention to detail and expertise to ensure a successful and long-lasting result.

    Why You Should Install

    Flake Epoxy Flooring
    You can get a lot of use out of your decorative flake epoxy flooring system no matter where you decide to install it. Here are the many ways in which it will benefit you:
    Customization and Visual Appeal – The range of color schemes, textures, and designs makes flake epoxy the ideal option for residential or commercial renovations. It will totally transform the appearance of your flooring so that it appears upgraded and pristine.
    With flake epoxy flooring, you have the freedom to create a custom look that suits your personal style and complements your existing decor. Whether you prefer a bold and vibrant color scheme or a more subtle and sophisticated design, flake epoxy offers endless possibilities for customization.
    Quick and Easy Installations – Our professional epoxy installers have a lot of experience and skill, so they always know the right way to approach a project. We can usually have everything done in less than a week. The timeframe of completion will vary according to the size and scope of the project.
    With our efficient and skilled team of epoxy installers, we ensure that your flake epoxy flooring project is completed quickly and hassle-free. Our installers have the expertise to handle projects of any size and complexity, allowing us to deliver high-quality results in a timely manner.
    Absorbing Shock and Preventing Damage – Decorative flake epoxy can absorb a lot of shock and physical punishment without undergoing any damage. This makes it the ideal flooring material for industrial settings, such as warehouses and manufacturing facilities.
    With its resilient and durable composition, flake epoxy flooring provides a protective barrier that helps minimize damage from heavy machinery, equipment, and foot traffic. The decorative flakes embedded in the epoxy matrix add an extra layer of strength and resilience, allowing the flooring to withstand impacts and abrasions without showing signs of wear and tear.
    A Cost-Effective Flooring Solutions – It will cost you a lot more money to demolish and replace your concrete flooring. Flake epoxy allows you to bypass any major construction while also strengthening your current system. Removing an old floor and replacing it with a new one is also time-consuming, which can affect the cost of the project.
    With flake epoxy flooring, you can save both time and money by avoiding the need for costly demolition and replacement of your existing concrete floor. The installation process for flake epoxy is relatively quick and straightforward, minimizing downtime and disruption to your operations.
    Decorative Flake Installation Madison
    Where Should You Install Flake Epoxy Flooring?
    Decorative flake epoxy flooring is the best option available to anyone who plans on refurbishing their outdated flooring system. We are allowing you to fortify your concrete flooring at a consumer-friendly price. Here are some ways in which you can choose to install flake epoxy flooring:
    We want to provide you with plenty of information on how you can use a commercial or residential epoxy flooring system. Here are the options that are available to you:
    Garage Floor Epoxy – Flake epoxy flooring is not only vehicle-friendly, but it’s also a practical choice for homeowners who want to renovate their garage. The extra protection that it offers also makes it a cost-effective solution that allows you to save money on future maintenance and repair services. You can also convert your garage into a space to undergo personal projects.
    Commercial Epoxy Flooring – Decorative epoxy flooring systems are also commonly used in commercial facilities. This includes retail stores, hotel lobbies, medical offices, hospitals, and restaurants. Certain facilities need extra protection against bacteria to prevent contamination and meet certain sanitation requirements. Flake epoxy also has enough strength to preserve your concrete flooring and greatly limit the effects of daily wear and tear.
    Residential Epoxy Flooring – Do you need to upgrade the flooring in your garage or basement? Decorative flake epoxy will easily add more visual appeal and splendor to your home. Also, residential installations usually take us less than a week to complete, which means that we will be out of your hair in no time! The shiny epoxy coating will also establish greater brightness in your home, which will also allow you to conserve electricity.
    Decorative Flake Professionals Madison
    Metallic Epoxy Floor Coatings – In addition to flake epoxy, another decorative option we offer is metallic epoxy. It will transform any interior setting no matter where you decide to install it. Metallic epoxy is a popular choice for manufacturing facilities because it offers an incredible amount of strength and durability. It also has anti-slip properties that prevent accidents and injuries.
    Industrial Epoxy Flooring – Warehouses and factories need a flooring system that provides them with enough structural support. Any area that experiences a lot of foot and vehicle traffic needs a more durable option, which is another reason why flake epoxy flooring can make a huge difference. We can easily remove all of the defects from your industrial flooring system and establish a safe work environment for your employees.
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